Missions @ WBC

"and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth."
Acts 1:8b, NASB '95 emphasis added
Acts 1:8b, NASB '95 emphasis added
Houston is our Jerusalem. Missions should always start at home. We partner with local ministries and organizations to help spread the Gospel and the love of Jesus all over Houston. We host community events so that we can be the caring hands of Christ's love in the Westbury community. Click HERE fore information on where and how we serve in Houston.
Texas is our Judea. We engage in missions efforts with organizations throughout Texas as well. We organize an annual South Texas mission trip, so that we can bring the light of Gospel to the Rio Grande Valley as well.
The United States as a whole is our Samaria. We want to see our entire nation experience the light and love of Jesus Christ in a powerful and transformative way.
Our international missions efforts are our attempt to reach the remotest part of the earth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We support international missions through partnerships with missionaries and organizations around the world. Currently, we send teams to Europe. We are working toward expanding the places we take teams for boots on the ground ministry around the world.