
Pow-Wow Event Review Form

In order to maintain a trajectory of growth and quality events, we ask that those involve in the events share their perspective on the event with the staff at WBC. Please be honest and considerate in your responses to the questions below. Here are a few helpful tips for submitting a truly helpful review:
  • We do treasure honesty, so please be honest with us.
  • We believe in tact as well, so please be thoughtful in how you express your concerns or opinions.
  • Use solution-oriented communication. Just telling us you think something did not work does not help us make it better. Please feel free to point out problems, but also give examples of ways the problem could be fixed or at least some direction toward the road to get there.
  • Anonymity is an option, but not preferred or helpful. We cannot follow up this form with dialog about how to best solve issues if we do not know who to ask.

Thanks for taking time to help us grow!
WBC Staff